Having had a long history working in Healthcare and Pharma digital agencies I have found that a lot of my skills have been able to transfer across and help other similar agencies to complete those nagging tasks that take a long time and due to sporadic and tight turn around times for completion, my healthcare clients can rely on me to get the job done.
I have worked extensively in Veeva PromoMats and have even created learning modules on how to use the platform so when I say Im a Veeva Promomats queen, I’m not exaggerating. All I need is a marked up ref pack, logins and I can get on and get any job done, big or small.
Some other jobs I have completed in this field are testing of e-learning modules, getting quotes for copyrights permissions, creating surveys, adding content to websites, checking important documents for grammar and design errors.
I have also and do also work as a project or account manager, on a part time basis or as holiday cover.